DB2 Snapshop 指令可以用來取得DB2 在某一個時間點的狀態
■ Get monitor switches
GET MONITOR SWITCHES < AT DBPARTITIONNUM [PartitionNum] > C:\> db2 get monitor switches Monitor Recording Switches Switch list for db partition number 0 Buffer Pool Activity Information (BUFFERPOOL) = ON 10/01/2009 11:19:08.902660 Lock Information (LOCK) = ON 10/01/2009 11:19:08.902660 Sorting Information (SORT) = ON 10/01/2009 11:19:08.902660 SQL Statement Information (STATEMENT) = ON 10/01/2009 11:19:08.902660 Table Activity Information (TABLE) = ON 10/01/2009 11:19:08.902660 Take Timestamp Information (TIMESTAMP) = ON 10/01/2009 11:19:08.902660 Unit of Work Information (UOW) = ON 10/01/2009 11:19:08.902660
■ Open/Close Monitor switches
UPDATE MONITOR SWITCHES USING [[SwitchID] ON | OFF ,...] C:\> db2 update monitor switches using bufferpool on lock on sort on statement on table on uow on C:\> db2 update monitor switches using bufferpool off lock off sort off statement off table off uow off
■ Reset Monitor
■ Get Snapshop
C:\> db2 get snapshot for all on sample
■ Snapshop Sample script
#!/usr/bin/ksh # take a snapshot after specified sleep # period for a number of iterations # parameters: # (1) database name # (2) directory for output # (3) interval between iterations (seconds) # (4) maximum number of iterations # # Note: You may receive an error about the # monitor heap being too small. You may # want to set mon_heap_sz to 2048 while monitoring. if [ $# -ne 4 ] then echo "4 parameters required: dbname output_dir sleep_interval iterations"; exit fi dbname=$1 runDir=$2 sleep_interval=$3 iterations=$4 stat_interval=3 stat_iterations=$(($sleep_interval/$stat_interval)) if [[ -d $runDir ]]; then echo "dir: $runDir already exists, either remove it or use another directory name" exit fi mkdir $runDir cd $runDir db2 update monitor switches using bufferpool on lock on sort on statement on table on uow on # repeat the snapshot loop for the specified iterations let i=1 while [ i -le $iterations ] do if [ $i -le 9 ] then i2="0$i" else i2="$i" fi echo "Iteration $i2 (of $iterations) starting at `date`" vmstat $stat_interval $stat_iterations > vmstat_$i2 iostat $stat_interval $stat_iterations > iostat_$i2 db2 -v reset monitor all sleep $sleep_interval db2 -v get snapshot for dbm > snap_$i2 db2 -v get snapshot for all on $dbname >> snap_$i2 echo "Iteration $i2 (of $iterations) complete at `date`" let i=$i+1 done db2 update monitor switches using bufferpool off lock off sort off statement off table off uow off db2 terminate