在Oracle 的運作中有一個很重要的觀念,就是盡量減少不必要的I/O,
因此當使用者查詢資料時,Oracle首先會到Database Buffer Cache內去尋找資料是否存在,如果存在就直接將資料傳回給使用者,這個動作稱為Logical Read
反之如果資料不存在Database Buffer Cache 內,那麼Oracle會將資料從Data file讀出放入Database Buffer Cache,然後傳回給使用者,這個動作稱為Physical Read
在Oracle 8以後的版本,Database Buffer Cache 又進一步分成了Defaule Pool,Keep Pool, Recycle Pool 三種pool
在Performance 的考量下, 我們可以將一些使用頻率較高的table放入Keep Pool內來減少Physical Read 的情況發生
1. Monitor Buffer busy wait status.
2. Move table to keep pool
3. Monitor Keep pool size
1. Monitor Buffer busy wait status.
在將table 搬到keep pool 之前,首先我們需要知道哪些table 需要被搬到keep pool , 我們可以透過V$SEGMENT_STATISTICS 這個view來查詢segment的統計資料
Column | Description |
OWNER | Owner of the object |
OBJECT_NAME | Name of the object |
SUBOBJECT_NAME | Name of the subobject |
TABLESPACE_NAME | Name of the table space to which the object belongs |
TS# | Tablespace number |
OBJ# | Dictionary object number of the object |
DATAOBJ# | Data object number of the object |
OBJECT_TYPE | Type of the object |
STATISTIC_NAME | Name of the statistic |
STATISTIC# | Statistic number |
VALUE | Statistic value |
STATISTIC_NAME 包含了下面統計資訊,找出STATISTIC_NAME 為buffer busy waits,且VALUE欄位較高的table 放入keep pool
1. logical reads
2. buffer busy waits
3. db block changes
4. physical reads
5. physical writes
6. physical reads direct
7. physical writes direct
8. global cache cr blocks served
9.global cache current blocks served
10. ITL waits
11. row lock waits
我們透過一個簡單的Procedure 來定期收集這些資料,並將這些資料寫入Table中
● Create Monitor Table
● Create Monitor Procedure
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE PROC_BUFFER_BUSY_MONITOR AS BEGIN delete from mon_buffer_busy_wait where mon_date < sysdate -30; commit; INSERT INTO mon_buffer_busy_wait (mon_date, owner, object_name, object_type, value) (select sysdate,owner,object_name as segment_name,object_type, value as total_buff_busy_waits from v$segment_statistics where statistic_name in ('buffer busy waits') and object_type like 'TABLE%' and owner in ('HR' ) and value >10); commit; END; /
● Execute monitor procedure by schedule
. /etc/profile.d/oracle.sh . /home/oracle/.bash_profile $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus ID/PASSWORD exec PROC_BUFFER_BUSY_MONITOR
這樣子完成了簡單的monitor 工作
2. Move table to keep pool
在還沒決定哪些table要搬到keep pool 之前,先看看SGA中db_keep_cache_size的大小
SQL> show parameter keep NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ buffer_pool_keep string control_file_record_keep_time integer 7 db_keep_cache_size big integer 0
SQL> col NAME format A22 SQL> col VALUE formate A12 SQL> select name,value from v$parameter where name like 'db%size%'; NAME VALUE ---------------------- -------------------- db_block_size 8192 db_keep_cache_size 32212254720 db_recycle_cache_size 0 db_2k_cache_size 0 db_4k_cache_size 0 db_8k_cache_size 0 db_16k_cache_size 0 db_32k_cache_size 0 db_cache_size 1073741824 9 rows selected.
db_keep_cache_size=0表示keep pool size=0,調整keep pool size
SQL> alter system set db_keep_cache_size=10m;
接下來就可以將MON_BUFFER_BUSY_WAIT 中VALUE較高的Table 搬到keep pool 中
# alter table from keep pool to default; alter table SCHEMA.TABLE_NAME modify partition PARTITION_NAME storage (buffer_pool default); alter table SCHEMA.TABLE_NAME storage (buffer_pool default); # alter table from default pool to keep pool alter table SCHEMA.TABLE_NAME modify partition PARTITION_NAME storage (buffer_pool keep); alter table SCHEMA.TABLE_NAME storage (buffer_pool keep);
3. Monitor Keep Pool Size
隨著資料的增加,Keep pool 可能會不夠用,因此必須每天監控 Keep pool size,
select a.name , a.sga_size_MB, b.table_size_MB , (sga_size_MB - table_size_MB) as free_size from ( select name,value/1024/1024 as sga_size_MB from v$parameter where name ='db_keep_cache_size' ) a , ( select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 as table_size_MB from dba_segments where buffer_pool='KEEP' ) b
當Keep pool 不夠時,可以透過下面SQL 來決定哪些Table 要移除keep pool
select * from ( select a.owner,segment_name , segment_type, tablespace_name , MB , nvl( b.busy_cnt,0) as busy_cnt, NVL(c.maxvalue ,0) as maxvalue from ( select owner , segment_name , segment_type , tablespace_name , sum(bytes)/1024/1024 as MB from dba_segments where buffer_pool='KEEP' group by owner , segment_name , segment_type , tablespace_name ) a left join ( select owner , object_name , count(*) as busy_cnt from PERFSTAT.MON_BUFFER_BUSY_WAIT group by owner , object_name ) b on a.owner = b.owner and a.segment_name= b.object_name left join ( select owner , object_name , max(value) as maxvalue from PERFSTAT.MON_BUFFER_BUSY_WAIT group by owner , object_name ) c on a.owner = c.owner and a.segment_name= c.object_name ) where busy_cnt = 0 order by mb desc
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