Oracle 提供Datapump 這個工具來做資料備份的動作
要使用Datapump 除了可以寫成PL/SQL 來呼叫DBMS_DATAPUMP之外
所以試了一下用Java 來呼叫expdp 的方式來執行DATAPUMP
public void writeDataPumpConfig() { try { FileWriter fwriter = new FileWriter("./DataPump.cfg", false); fwriter.write("DIRECTORY=ARCHIVE_PUMP" + "\n"); fwriter.write("DUMPFILE=DumpData.dmp" + "\n"); fwriter.write("JOB_NAME=DumpJob" + "\n"); fwriter.write("LOGFILE=DumpData.log" + "\n"); fwriter.write("TABLES=ORDER" + "\n"); fwriter.write("QUERY=\" WHERE FAB_ID='E' AND DATA_DATE ='2009-08-23' \"" + "\n"); fwriter.flush(); } catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception Message : " + e.toString()); } }
2. 呼叫expdp, 並且接收expdp 傳回的message
public void callDataPump () { String line; OutputStream stdin = null; InputStream stdout = null; InputStream stderr = null; BufferedReader brCleanUp ; try { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime() ; Process process = rt.exec("expdp ID/PASSWORD@ORACLE_SIE parfile=./DataPump.cfg"); stdin = process.getOutputStream (); stdout = process.getInputStream (); stderr = process.getErrorStream (); // "write" the parms into stdin line = "param1" + "\n"; stdin.write(line.getBytes() ); stdin.flush(); line = "param2" + "\n"; stdin.write(line.getBytes() ); stdin.flush(); line = "param3" + "\n"; stdin.write(line.getBytes() ); stdin.flush(); stdin.close(); // clean up if any output in stdout brCleanUp = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (stdout)); while ((line = brCleanUp.readLine ()) != null) { System.out.println ("[Stdout] " + line); } brCleanUp.close(); // clean up if any output in stderr brCleanUp = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (stderr)); while ((line = brCleanUp.readLine ()) != null) { System.out.println ("[Stderr] " + line); } brCleanUp.close(); process.destroy() ; }catch (Exception e){ System.out.println(e.toString()); } }