今天某一台DB的archie log 備份主機掛了,必須將archive log 備份到另外一台主機上,
備份的方式是透過scp定期將 archive log 複製一份到另一台主機,
- May 20 Fri 2011 17:58
Linux : scp without password
- May 19 Thu 2011 15:49
Linux : nohup / screen command
- May 19 Thu 2011 15:42
Oracle : pfile and spfile
- May 09 Mon 2011 12:02
Oracle : 使用oerr 在Unix/Linux 查詢ORA
oerr 是oracle在Unix/Linux上查詢ora錯誤的指令,使用方式如下
[oracle@test ~]$ oerr ora 01578 01578, 00000, "ORACLE data block corrupted (file # %s, block # %s)" // *Cause: The data block indicated was corrupted, mostly due to software // errors. // *Action: Try to restore the segment containing the block indicated. This // may involve dropping the segment and recreating it. If there // is a trace file, report the errors in it to your ORACLE // representative.
- May 06 Fri 2011 15:18
Oracle : Transferring Statistics ,Export/Import of Optimizer Statistics
Oracle 提供的DBMS_STATS 這個package 除了可以用來收集Optimizer 所需要的統計資料之外,更可以透過他來Export/Import COLUMN, DATABASE, DIRCTIONARY, FIXED_OBJECTS, INDEX, SCHEMA, SYSTEM, TABLE 的statistic data, 以下就以 Export/Import Table statistic 例子來說明
1. Create User-deined Statistic table
- May 05 Thu 2011 13:37
Oracle : Kill session
有些時候,當Client 端不正常結束時,會造成session 殘留在DB裡,為了避免影響到DB的效能,必須手動將這些session kill
- Apr 18 Mon 2011 10:49
Oracle : adump, bdump, cdump, udubmp
$ORACLE_BASE/admin/{SID}/adump: 存放SYS的登入訊息,用來稽核
$ORACLE_BASE/admin/{SID}/bdump: 存放ORACLE資料庫background process 運作時所產生之相關錯誤訊息及運作訊息紀錄, alert log 也放在這裡
- Apr 15 Fri 2011 17:33
Oracle : Startup and Shutdown database
- Mar 30 Wed 2011 14:18
Linux : Find localhost ip address
查詢Linux 本機上的IP, 可以用 ifconfig 指令來查詢
- Mar 28 Mon 2011 17:41
Oracle : sqlplus 常用參數